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July 21, 2023

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James Ignatowich

By Alice Tym

Age:  23

Hometown:  Delray Beach, Florida

Marital status:  Single, dating Anna Bright

DUPR:  6.9

Favorite tournament:  Major League Pickleball in San Clemente

What qualities make a good men’s doubles player in contrast to a good mixed doubles player?

A good men’s doubles player is more patient, disciplined, and has a good soft game. A good mixed player must be athletic, aggressive, impose control, control the middle, and hit 75% of the shots.

Do you have a pre-match routine?

I drink a coffee then drink water. I stay hydrated then I have a dynamic warmup.

Where do you want pickleball to go?

I’d like to see pickleball become the most played sport in America. Keep building a lot of courts.

What is your favorite music genre?

I like all classical music. I listen to a lot of Mozart. I especially like Symphony 40 in G minor. I played piano a lot when I was young.

What book has influenced you the most?

“Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins. He was a Navy Seal who had a tremendous work ethic. That is why I work hard.

What’s your favorite kind of food?

I like Indian food, chicken tikka masala, biryani, and lamb masala.

What would be your dream vacation?

I’d like to take my girlfriend, Anna Bright, to Beijing, China.

Are you a problem solver?

No, I am a problem creator.Social media is so prevalent now.

Do you think this is a good thing for young players?

It’s good that you can watch other players. It is bad because you might see negative comments about yourself.

Do you gamble?

I used to bet on the horses, but it wasn’t good for my bank account.

Do you have siblings?

I have two younger brothers and one younger sister. They all play tennis. And my 12-year-old sister plays a lot of pickleball.

Tell me something few people know about you.

When I was 17, I was the #1 Word Hunt player. Once I played 13 hours of pickleball straight in one day. And I was on the Dean’s List at Vanderbilt University every semester for four years.  •

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